What are some gynecological problems?

Relatively every lady experiences a gynecological  Issue eventually or the other. Much of the time these disarranges are mellow and effectively treatable, yet some gynecological issues can have genuine ramifications and influence their fruitfulness and personal satisfaction.


Gynaecologist and obstetrician in Nashik

Here is the most regular gynecological Problem looked by ladies.

Dysmenorrhea: Abdominal issues and spinal pains are regular symptoms of the period yet a few ladies can experience the ill effects of horrifying agony amid their menstrual cycles. This is known as dysmenorrheal. This is caused by a diminished supply of oxygen to the uterus because of solid withdrawals in the uterus. These spasms turn out to be less difficult as lady ages and by and large is settled by labor. Manifestations of this issue incorporate horrifying stomach torment, torment in the lower back, inward thighs and hips, sickness and free stools.

Ovarian Cysts: Ovarian extensions can be large or small and numerous ladies live with pimples without monitoring it. These growths can be depicted as liquid-filled sac-like structures that create around and on the ovary which fluctuates as far as size and sort. Ovarian sores could conceivably be tumors. Pimples can be a consequence of the development of a follicle or the separating of tissue inside the ovaries. Much of the time, these sores disintegrate without anyone else however they ought to be observed deliberately.

Endometriosis: This is where the uterine tissue becomes outside the dividers of the uterus. This happens generally on the ovaries and fallopian tubes, however, it can likewise create on the cervix, bladder, entrail or rectum. The correct reason for endometriosis is obscure. A few speculations recommend that it is activated by retrograde feminine cycle or the retrogressive stream of menstrual blood into the fallopian tubes. The side effects of this situation incorporate stomach spasms, torment amid intercourse and solid discharges, seeping among periods and stomach related problems.

Poly Cyst Ovarian Disease (PCOD): PCOD is where the ovaries create follicles that form intoGynaecologist and blisters rather than eggs. This prompts an absence of practical eggs and along these lines influences a lady’s fruitfulness. This can likewise cause a state of mind swings and wretchedness. PCOD is activated by hormone changes and shows indications, for example, unpredictable periods, skin break out, male pattern baldness and breathing issues while resting.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI): UTIs are normally caused by bacterial diseases and can be activated by pregnancy, visit intercourse, diabetes and as a reaction to particular kinds of drugs. The side effects of this situation incorporate stinging and consuming sensations while urinating, stomach spasms, agonizing intercourse and an expanded desire to urinate much of the time.


Amenorrhea refers to the absence of menstruation. It is of two types physiological and pathological. Physiological amenorrhea occurs before puberty i.e. before the onset of menarche, during pregnancy lactation and after menopause. Pathological amenorrhea happens when there is any associated disease and is divided into cryptomenorrhea, primary and secondary amenorrhea

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

PCOS is the most popular gynecological problem among ladies of reproductive age. It is a disease manifested by amenorrhea, hirsutism, and obesity-associated with enlarged ovaries having multiple cysts. Patients complain of obesity, menstrual abnormalities, infertility, and hirsutism


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

It is a disease of the upper genital tract. It is an area of infection of the upper genital tract organs characteristically concerning the uterus, fallopian tubes, pelvic peritoneum, and surrounding structures. Symptoms consist of lower abdominal and pelvic pain, fever, lethargy, and headache, irregular and excessive vaginal bleeding, painful sexual intercourse, abnormal vaginal discharge.


This refers to the infection and inflammation of the vagina. The most frequent cause of vaginitis among women of the reproductive age group is infection by microscopic organisms. Trichomonas vaginitis is caused by the causative organism Trichomonasvaginalis. There is sudden profuse offensive vaginal discharge, irritation, and itching around the vagina, painful urination, and increased frequency of urination. Candida vaginitis or moniliasis is caused by Candida albicans. There is vaginal discharge associated with severely intense vulvovaginal itching and painful sexual intercourse.


Menopause refers to the termination of menstruation due to decreased ovarian activity. These women are more susceptible to osteoporosis. The risk of cardiovascular disease is also higher in postmenopausal women. The characteristic symptom of menopause is hot flushes. A hot flush is characterized by an unexpected sensation of heat following profuse sweating. Apart from hot flashes patient experiences anxiety, headache, insomnia, irritability, and depression. Additional symptoms consist of aching sexual intercourse, lack of sexual drive, vaginal infections and dryness, painful urination, stress incontinence, and recurrent urinary tract infections. The whole changes happen due to estrogen deficiency following menopause.


Leucorrhea refers to excessive normal vaginal discharge. This condition might occur physiologically during puberty or ovulation. It also occurs in cases of a prolapsed uterus, retroverted uterus, and chronic pelvic inflammation



Urinary Stone Diseases


People say health is wealth and if health is lost, everything is lost. Have you ever thought of the significance of this statement? If not, it is high time you knew the true value of health because there is no replacement for good health. The lives of people who fall sick are full of challenges. These days, multiple people consult doctors when they find blood in the urine or have pain when they urinate. Of course, this is a serious health concern and proper medical check-up to discover the disease related to the urinary tract needs to be done. One needs to be evaluated and treated by a urologist for a speedy recovery. Dr. Lomesh Kapadnis ’s Urology Hospital in Nashik is one of the Best Hospitals for urology treatments.


Also, nowadays the focus is on subspeciality based therapy. Pediatric urology deals with disorders in urinary tracts and genital regions of both male child and female children. Dr. Lomesh Kapadnis, Urosurgeon in Nashik offers different treatments to help children to be free from these conditions.


All About Kidney Stones


Kidney stones are hard masses that are made of minute crystals. It usually originates in the kidneys but can develop anywhere along the urinary tract. The urinary tract involves the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. Kidney stones are one of the most extreme medical conditions. The problems of kidney stones vary depending on the type of stone. The different types of kidney stones include Calcium, Uric Acid, Struvite, and Sistine.


Risk factors of kidney stones


  1. The highest risk factor of having kidney stones is making less than one liter of urine per day. Kidney stones are most likely to happen between the ages of 20 and 40. Some of the risk factors include dehydration, obesity, hyperthyroid conditions, gastric and inflammatory bowel diseases.


What are the signs of kidney stones?


Kidney stones create severe pain. Signs of kidney stones may not occur until the stone begins to move down the ureters. Other signs of kidney stones can include:

  • Blood in the urine
  • Nausea
  • Discolored and foul-smelling urine
  • Fever
  • Frequent need to urinate
  • Passing small amounts of urine


Diagnosis of kidney stones


Analysis of kidney stones requires a complete health history assessment and physical examination

  • Blood tests for checking the presence of calcium, phosphorus, uric acid and electrolytes
  • Complete urine analysis to check for crystals, bacteria, blood and white cells
  • Examination of passed stones to determine its type
  • Abdominal X-rays
  • Ultrasound of the kidney
  • MRI of the abdomen and kidneys
  • Abdominal CT scan


How are kidney stones treated?

Treatment is decided according to the type of stone. Some of the treatment options are:

  • Medication
  • Lithotripsy
  • Tunnel Surgery
  • Ureteroscopy

The best treatment for the different types of kidney stones is offered by Dr. Lomesh Kapadnis at  Siddhidata Urology hospital.



Prostate enlargement or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or benign enlargement of the prostate(BEP) is one such condition which is common after the age of 50 years in men. Let us discuss some facts and myths about the prostate gland.

The prostate gland is a walnut-shaped gland situated below the bladder and usually increases in size as the age progresses. Two growth spurts occur in attention to the prostate gland, one at puberty and others next to the age of 30 years. But the signs of prostate enlargement start manifesting clinically only after the age of 50 years. 

As the prostate enlarges it reduces the urinary tube called urethra leading to many urinary symptoms. Bladder tries to compensate it by working hard trying to force urine out. Ultimately, the bladder gets fatigued and the amount of urine retained increases to such extent that patient lands in the emergency unit with complete inability to pass urine. Any cases may continue to dribble urine with discomfort. Few patients may land up with urinary tract infection or bladder stones. Few unfortunate ones may land up in reflux nephropathy and kidney failure.

Do you know the notice signs and symptoms of prostate enlargement? These are the basic things to be looked at,

Increase the number of urination at night – to be a precise extension number of times getting up from bed during sleep.

  • Extended day time-frequency
  • Urgency
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Burning while passing urine
  • Delayed start of urination
  • Poor stream of urine
  • A thin stream of urine
  • Sense of incomplete urination
  • Interrupted stream

After thorough medical and rectal research, the urologist may ask for an ultrasound abdomen, urine tests, and few blood tests. You may be also asked to undergo a uroflow rate and/or urodynamic test.

Besides medical therapy for prostate, if need be, we have (HOLEP) laser treatment for removal of the prostate.

Advantages of laser prostatectomy over conventional treatment are,

  • Less blood loss
  • Quick recovery
  • Less hospitalization
  • Less pain post-op
  • Can be operated on patients with anticoagulants/blood thinners
  • Can be operated on patients with pacemakers
  • Can be operated for high-risk patients
  • Can be operated for even large-sized glands with safety


The myth – Size matters. No, it doesn’t! This is the largest myth about an enlarged prostate. Big symptoms may indicate a small enlargement and vice versa. The severity of the signs simply does not always correlate with size.

Also, while the symptoms suggest an enlarged prostate, they might indicate other situations that require further examination. Symptoms of an enlarged prostate, for example, can be similar to those of prostate cancer. See urologists and put your fear behind.



Myths about Kidney Stone

Kidney stone treatment in Nashik

Hydrotherapy can flush out urinary calculi

Myth: Drinking copiously will help increase the passage of kidney and ureteral stones. The reason for this advice is that by hydrating massively, ahead of force will be formed to help passage of stone present in the kidney.

Reality: The appearance of a stone often affects urinary tract obstruction. Over-hydration in the appearance of obstruction will further distend the already bloated and inflated portion of the urinary collecting system located above the stone. This extended distension can exacerbate pain and nausea that are often symptoms of colic. The collecting method of the kidney and the ureter have natural peristalsis related to that of the intestine and over-hydration has no physiological basis in terms of helping this method along, being pointless and perhaps even dangerous. Drinking moderately on the surface of a kidney or ureteral stone is sound advice.

Barley water is good for preventing and dissolving urinary stones 

Myth: Barley water has medicinal properties that can dissolve and prevent urinary stones

Reality: Barley water is no different from normal plain water. The key is to prevent the supersaturation of urine. 

Everyone must drink 3-4 liters of water a day.

Myth: Many references of information (frequently non-medical and of dubious reliability) dogmatically assert that humans 3-4 liters of water daily to stay well hydrated and thrive.

Reality: Multiple people aged people drink a lot of water end up in urologist’ offices with urinary urgency, frequency and often urinary leakage. The truth of the matter is that although some urinary issues are brought on or worsened by insufficient fluid intake–including kidney stones and urinary infections–other urinary problems are brought on or worsened by excessive fluid intake. Water specifications are based upon ambient temperature and activity level. If you are sedentary and in a cool environment, your water requirements are significantly less than when in the hot conditions. Heeding your thirst is one of the best ways of keeping good hydration status, in other words, drinking when thirsty and not otherwise. A different method of keeping good hydration status is to pay attention to your urine color. Urine color can vary from deep yellow too as clear as water. If your urine is dark yellow, you need to drink more as a lighter color is ideal and indicative of satisfactory hydration.

Beer helps in reducing kidney stones.

Myth: Beer helps in reducing kidney stones.

Reality: It is worse than water. Beer or alcohol may produce more urine by a diuretic effect but this can also be achieved by consumption of other oral fluids or water. Excess beer consumption increases the risk of oxalate renal calculi by increasing oxalate and urate content in urine.

Restriction of calcium in the diet helps to reduce urinary stone recurrence

Myth: Calcium is a major component of 75% of stones hence many people believe that restriction of dietary calcium is a logical means of preventing a recurrence.

Reality: Many studies have shown that severe limitation of calcium in the diet improves the recurrence rate of urolithiasis by increasing the oxalate absorption from the intestine. So calcium should be consumed in moderation and should not be restricted.


There are medicines to dissolve urinary stones


Myth: 80% of the urinary stones are composed of calcium oxalate or calcium phosphate. For these, there are no medicines available that can dissolve the stones.

Reality: In select patients with small uric acid stones (5 % of stones) or cystine stones (1-3% of stones), medications can potentially be used to help dissolve their stones. However, even in these, surgery may be required.

Shock Wave Lithotripsy (SWL) can be used to treat renal calculi of any size and form

Myth: SWL is used to operate only small calculi less than 2 cm. If ESWL is used to fragment larger renal calculi then these fragments may block the ureter or some of these fragments may remain in the kidney and lead to a recurrence.

Reality: Thus SWL for large renal calculi has poor success rates and is associated with a high risk of ancillary treatments for the residual calculi. Also, it is not ideal for very hard stones. It cannot be recommended as a universal treatment for all renal calculi but must be used selectively.

Staghorn or large renal calculi cannot be treated by endoscopic surgery ie PCNL

Myth: Open operation for renal calculi is done because the stone was “very large”.

Reality: Percutaneous nepholithotripsy (PCNL) is “the treatment of choice” for large renal calculi, irrespective of the stone size.


Clamp the catheter intermittently to maintain bladder tone

Myth: Patients who have been temporarily catheterized during an acute illness or after surgery have their catheter clamped intermittently before removal often starting 24 to 48 hours before removal of the catheter. It has been claimed that the bladder shrinks after it has been catheterized and the intention of clamping the catheter is to maintain bladder tone and capacity

Reality: There is no evidence, however, that the cyclical bladder filling produced by intermittent clamping has any effect on bladder capacity except in defunctionalized bladders. Patients undergoing prostatic surgery after several weeks or even months of catheterization void without difficulty after surgery and maintain normal bladder volumes.

There is pericatheter leak from the sides of the catheter; it must be too small-  “Put in a bigger one”


Myth: The leakage of urine around catheters is a common problem and has been reported to occur in 40-70% of catheterized patients. Although it is occasionally due to a blocked catheter, particularly if haematuria is also present, the usual In the catheterized patient these detrusor contractions may be caused by irritation of the bladder by the catheter balloon, by debris or stones within the bladder, or by infection.

Reality: The logical management of this problem is, therefore, to reduce to a minimum the volume of water in the catheter balloon either by partially deflating the balloon or preferably by using a catheter with 5 ml balloon capacity. The addition of anticholinergic medication may help.

Doing a prostate biopsy will spread any cancer that may be present.

Myth: Using a needle to obtain tissue samples of the prostate allows cancer cells to seed and implant along the needle track, or alternatively, into the blood or lymphatic vessels.

Reality: Although this is a theoretical consideration, millions of prostate biopsies performed every year and incidence of seeding is virtually non-existent and the potential risk can be thought of as being negligible.



Smoking Can Cause Infertility.

Smokers are more likely to have fertility problems. If you smoke for many years or smoke many cigarettes per day, your chance for fertility is built.

If you smoke, more than 7000 chemicals spread throughout your entire body together with all of your organs. This can begin to fertility problems, including the following:


Genetic issues

  • Ovulation difficulties
  • Harm to your reproductive organs
  • Harm to your eggs or premature menopause.
  • Enhanced risk of cancer and improved risk of miscarriage
  • Also, smokers that try fertility treatments tend to take longer to get pregnant. Smokers are also more likely to give birth to babies with health problems.

Passive smoking can also affect your fertility.

If you breathe with a smoker or surrounded by a smoker, Passive smoking exposes you to poisonous chemicals, harming your fertility. Specialists say that passive smoking is almost as damaging to your fertility as if you were smoking yourself! Exposure to cigarette smoke for even just some days can change your health and your fertility.

Passive smoking is also a known cause of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). If you do become pregnant, you and your partner need to stop smoking to preserve the health of your child.

Smoking increases the chance of miscarriage

The pain of miscarriage can be devastating. Due to the toxins from smoking, smokers are more likely to undergo from miscarriage. Besides, smoking raises several health risks throughout pregnancy, such as preterm labor and ectopic pregnancy.

Despite these warnings, millions of women of childbearing age continue to smoke. By doing so, they risk their health and the health of their children.

Smoking causes fertility problems for men.

Men that smoke cigarettes are at increased risk for the following male fertility problems:

  • Hormonal issues
  • Erectile dysfunction – trouble getting or keeping an erection
  • Lower sperm count and sperm motility problems (motility is the ability of sperm to swim towards and penetrate the egg)
  • If you are deciding to get pregnant without success and your partner smokes, encourage him to quit. The quickly he quits, the earlier you may be able to conceive.

Quit smoking to improve your chances of getting pregnant.

Fertility often increases for women after they stop smoking. Studies show that female smokers can increase their chances of conceiving by quitting at least two months before trying to get pregnant. Quit smoking and you may just find it easier to get pregnant.


Kidney Stone

Stay healthy and energetic

Having fit supports to decrease your blood pressure and therefore decreases the chance of Chronic Kidney Disease.

Urologist in Nashik

Keep proper control of your blood sugar level

Around half of people who have diabetes occur kidney damage, so somebody with diabetes requires to have regular inspections to check their kidney functions.

Kidney injury from diabetes can be decreased or prevented if detected early. It is essential to keep control of blood sugar levels with the help of doctors or pharmacists, who are always happy to help.

Control your blood pressure

Although numerous people may be conscious that high blood pressure can lead to a stroke or heart attack, some understand that it is also the most common cause of kidney damage.

The average blood pressure level is 120/80. Between this level and 139/89, you are supposed prehypertensive and should adopt lifestyle and dietary changes. At 140/90 and above, you should consult the risks with your doctor and control your blood pressure level routinely. High blood pressure is particularly likely to cause kidney damage when associated with other factors like diabetes, high cholesterol, and Cardio- Vascular Diseases.

Eat healthily and maintain your weight in check

This can support prevent diabetes, heart disease and other conditions associated with Chronic Kidney Disease.

Decrease your salt eating. The suggested sodium intake is 5-6 grams of salt per day. To reduce your salt eating, try and limit the amount of processed and restaurant food and do not add salt to food. It will be simpler to manage your intake if you make the food yourself with fresh elements.
Keep a healthful fluid intake

Although clinical researches have not reached an understanding of the ideal quantity of water and other fluids we should drink daily to maintain good health, traditional wisdom has long recommended drinking 1.5 to 2 liters (3 to 4 pints) of water per day.

Do not smoke

Smoking reduces the flow of blood to the kidneys. When less blood enters the kidneys, it reduces their ability to work properly. Smoking also raises the risk of kidney cancer by about 50 percent.

Do not use over-the-counter medicines regularly

Common medicines such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen are known to cause kidney damage and disease if taken regularly.

Such pills apparently do not act vital danger if your kidneys are relatively healthy and you use them for emergencies only, but if you are dealing with chronic pain, such as arthritis or back pain, work with your doctor to find a way to control your pain without putting your kidneys at risk.

Understand your kidney function checked if you have one or more of the ‘high risk’ factors

· Diabetes
· Hypertension
· Obese

One of your fathers, mother, brother or other family members suffers from kidney disease
If you have suffered from any of the risk factors, consult with Urologist.
Dr. Lomesh Kapadnis is one of the best Urologist in Nashik, He Provides a Best Kidney stone treatment in Nashik and related problems. Consult Dr. Lomesh Kapadnis Best Urologist in Nashik.